Biology major

By LilPie - 19/11/2015 22:10 - United States - Fort Washington

Today, my friend and I were having a casual discussion about sex. Blowjobs came up and my friend said she'd never dared to give one, arguing that swallowing sperm can make you pregnant. I then had to go on with a 30 minute argument with her on how that's not possible. She's 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 2 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takeittoem 8

And this is why it's important to pay attention in high school...

It will all just blow over in the end, I'm sure.


A07 48

Well as in what? A water well? or you're not well?

Well, looks like you just wanted to be the first comment. You failed at that just like your comment failed to be funny or insightful.

izntdan 14

This argument seems blown out of proportion. I bet your friend that being dumb was hard to swallow

ghostriley 14
takeittoem 8

And this is why it's important to pay attention in high school...

A07 48

Because that's where you learn how to give ********?

Obviously referring to sex education, as in how to reproduce and (hopefully) prevent young pregnancy with safe sex procedures. If you understand how reproduction of the human body works, then you wouldn't think that swallowing would make you pregnant..

FML people taking things too literally as usual... The ******* thing was a joke, and a ******* funny one at that. But thanks for trying to enlighten us with your wisdom about what is actually going on.

A07 48

I miss the old times when people could actually stop being so uptight and take a joke instead of posting sections from Wikipedia to show their knowledge

Yeah, me too. I I actually noticed your joke, if it helps.

The sad thing is that some religions / some religious based school DO teach that both oral and non-oral sex can lead to pregnancy.

No need to get all snarky. This is the internet, you can't assume people will know you're joking from just plain text. Especially with all those genuine idiots out there.

If only schools were required to teach factaully accurate sex education. Last I looked I think only 19 are. And that only if they CHOOSE to teach sex ed.

JohnForge 13

Yeah, perhaps her friend was too busy doing something else, instead of paying attention to work/homework... Or maybe someone put it in her head... Honestly people, only way to get pregnant is by sperm in the ******...

MonstreBelle 28

My high school's sex ed was the abstinence-only bullshit The entire summary was pretty much: "Don't have sex until marriage. Condoms and contraceptives do nothing. You will get pregnant. If you don't get pregnant, you will catch a disease that will make your bush beaters and hairy axe wounds look like these pictures. Either way, you will die." I can only hope people from my school weren't paying attention and have forgotten all about it.

It will all just blow over in the end, I'm sure.

Probably a mind blowing conversation.

Maybe she was. "Don't have sex you'll get pregnant and die."

That does seem to be the tone of a lot of sex ed classes nowadays. In my experience, the teacher didn't even think to mention safety. It was almost literally, "this is what it is, this is how you do it, go have all the unprotected sex you could dream of."

That's seriously worrying. It's disturbing how many grown women don't understand their own bodies. Even if you weren't taught in school or by your parents at some point you need to take responsibility and learn. Shit they have pamphlets at the doctors office.

I knew everything about this shit when I was 9 already... it scares me to see old ass people not know about this stuff.and this is coming from a thirteen year old!


I was always informed my mother had Mr when she was 18 because my grandma refused to talk about sex. My aunt, who had my cousins when she was 16, locked both me and my female cousin in a room with her to talk about how to be safe. My mom never once lied to me but gave me all of my choices. That led to me being able to fully understand what was going on with myself and if I chose to have sex. Obviously I didn't fully comprehend everything when I was 8years old but as the years passed I would have a aha! moment and know what she meant. I fully agree with you #9 people that refuse to learn at least about their bodies surprises and irritates me because if there is one there are hundreds.

Redgy22 26

You think 26 is "ass old?" I actually just laughed out loud.

It may not be "ass old" but it sure as hell is too old to not know how reproduction works.

How the hell do you make it to 26 without learning that storks aren't notified in cases of sperm ingestion?

Because all you need is a mommy and daddy who love each other very much and BAM.. the storks are on their way!