By Foureyes - 23/08/2009 13:29 - Australia

Today, my mother and father are insisting that I go on a date with a German exchange student they met at the weekend. Why? Because we have similar glasses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 649
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonFairy 0

Maybe the make her (him? I don't know :P) look cute. Who cares, man, it's a /German exchange student/. So yeah, not a FYL or YDI. A MLIG.


TrueBloodedHab 0

Your life really sucks. Like REEEEEEEEEALLY sucks. So much so that you decided to post this to show everyone how rough you have it

Wow.. Really hmmmm Interesting.. Sorry about your mom...

This is a fml because it shows a) her parents are trying to (if not they DO) control their son's love life and b) that they think someone matches their son properly just because of ridiculous details like identical glasses.

hey, my first bf and i were hooked up because we had the same dyed hair- blue. haha

wtf? that's just weird and shows that parents know nothing about dating -__-

Not an FML in my opinion. German chicks are usually hot.

Huskervbpimpette 0

So this makes it on the site but my FML about having to register as a sex offender for the rest of my life just because I had to pee on the side of the road on a really long road trip got rejected?! WTF

My parents have been trying to set me up with one of my best friends since I was born, because we've known each other for such a long time and have things in common. Even my Rabbi was in on it. This is not a FML.