By Foureyes - 23/08/2009 13:29 - Australia

Today, my mother and father are insisting that I go on a date with a German exchange student they met at the weekend. Why? Because we have similar glasses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 649
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonFairy 0

Maybe the make her (him? I don't know :P) look cute. Who cares, man, it's a /German exchange student/. So yeah, not a FYL or YDI. A MLIG.


oh no, you have a date. your life really, really sucks.

mcullen_unc 0

dont do it!!!!! i know a few germans and while they can be funny, they kinda suck at relationships. granted i guess i can't speak for the whole german population just the few that i know. but you get the point....

mcullen_unc 0

hey now, i only was talking about the ones i know :-P ;-).....but also the ones i know are from the same family, maybe that has something to do with it and not the greman part...oh well, the world may never know.....

I don't get how this is an FML. You don't know her, apparently, so how can you judge that she's gonna suck? You know people have blind dates all the time.

Haha, a blind date because of glasses. Oh the irony.

I was hoping somebody would catch that. CB

ohhh fyl. your parents set you up on a date. thats just terrible. and to top it off you have similar glasses. you poor thing. wtf?

ziqi92 0

does this mean i should date like 5 different girls from our school's anime club cuz their glasses r similar to mine?

LemonFairy 0

Well if they're in the anime club then hell yes. (We happen to be pretty frickin' sweet, fyi. And you find a girl in the anime club, chances are she's about a thousand times more open-minded and experimental in bed. ;] )

that_guy321 2

people need to stop bitching about stuff that happens. JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE IT, IT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S AN FML. seriously. go **** yourself.

unless you were forced to date her, your life is not even remotely ******. i moderated this, and i clicked NO! who would clcick yes?