By Foureyes - 23/08/2009 13:29 - Australia

Today, my mother and father are insisting that I go on a date with a German exchange student they met at the weekend. Why? Because we have similar glasses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 649
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonFairy 0

Maybe the make her (him? I don't know :P) look cute. Who cares, man, it's a /German exchange student/. So yeah, not a FYL or YDI. A MLIG.


chetil 0

Cue the cheesy 70's **** music! I mean, how bad can it be? :P

i think it was a hetero date... its an FML because the OP is shy or something.

billybobjoebob 0

as said before, not an fml your parents are just being weird btw, do your parents have similar glasses?

Bruingirl103 0

how the crap is this an fml

biggecko 4

Dude I would totaly go germans ar HOT

Dude, my boyfriend is a German exchange student and he is amazing. You are one lucky duck (: