By Foureyes - 23/08/2009 13:29 - Australia

Today, my mother and father are insisting that I go on a date with a German exchange student they met at the weekend. Why? Because we have similar glasses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 649
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonFairy 0

Maybe the make her (him? I don't know :P) look cute. Who cares, man, it's a /German exchange student/. So yeah, not a FYL or YDI. A MLIG.


dude, i hate parents like that. this girl and i both really wanna date, but her parents won't let us because they want her to date this other guy. so they are like always forcing them to be alone together, and they won't ever let us go hang out. parents are the worst.

rhonda4000 0

# 53 he's not saying about the situation of how he fml because he has date her its becaus eof the parents thinking and how they would even say that in the first place. hes just saying fml because of what he has to go through.

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

how the **** is this an fml? big whoop, a german exchange student. maybe he's hot!

redblueviolet 0

-presses "So what?" button- May I ask who the hell moderated this? You could have added that your parents won't stop bugging you or have been bugging you all day and won't leave you alone if those things were true. If not, this is not an FML at all.

They probably just want any excuse to get your lame ass out of the house so they can **** in private. I'll bet your dad can make your mom scream like a banshee when your loser ass is not in the house.

renyark209 0

How did this get through? Why did you even bother submitting this?

liveandletlive89 0
skiBOAT 0

I voted NO to this while moderating for a reason. I can't ******* believe this made it on the site.

... What, do you have a problem with German girls?!