By Drizztreri - 05/03/2014 00:09 - United States - Imperial

Today, my mother asked me why her new airsoft gun wasn't working. I explained to her that it doesn't actually shoot air, it requires pellets too. She looked at me like I was too stupid to be her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 790
You deserved it 3 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nah she was looking at you as if she was to stupid to be your mom.

After getting shot in the leg with one of those while wearing thin sweatpants, I friggen wish they just shot air


If she doesn't know what it is, why did she buy it?

I would've shot at the ground in front of her and asked who's stupid now you self centered, condescending bitch!

Should have shot her with one to show her and see how surprised she is then...

Why the **** does your mom have an airsoft gun

She just went full retard...never go full retard...

well in their defense you look like you have a cute ass

And your mother has an air soft gun for what reason, exactly?

Why does your mom have an airsoft gun?