By Anonymous - 08/03/2014 23:13 - United States

Today, my mother decided to tell me about how my twin brother almost killed me in the womb when his cord wrapped around my neck. When she left the room, he said, "You won't be so lucky next time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 587
You deserved it 4 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I imagine your brother lost his umbilical cord by now, so maybe you're in the clear.. Maybe..

Ouch.. What an awful thing to say. Feeling sorry for you!


I'm pretty sure he meant it as a playful joke OP

Get yourself a greasy rope (or a real umbilical cord if you can) and glue it to your naval. Then wrap it around his neck while he's sleeping, so he wakes up to find you strangling him with an umbilical cord. Depending on whether or not he was joking, this will either be: 1. A GREAT payback prank. 2. A very clear warning.

It's called a joke. Good comeback would be something like You had your chance, it's my turn next

My sister actually did kill her twin in the womb in the same way you were almost killed.

AshleyDAnn92 6

I had mine around my sisters on accident too, the " you almost killed me " jokes never stop -_-