By argh - 01/02/2010 13:17 - United States
Same thing different taste
By brichard22 - 12/07/2015 14:25 - United States - San Francisco
Irony failure
By alcoholic - 31/10/2009 14:30 - Estonia
By inboxbuddies - 16/06/2009 10:35 - Saudi Arabia
By the only sober one - 15/05/2013 06:21 - United States - San Diego
Blackout drunk
By MagnusDeus - 07/06/2015 15:46 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 21/03/2009 04:46 - United States
By Cassandra - 14/10/2011 00:10 - United States
By wastedbaby - 04/07/2011 02:02 - United States
We need to talk…
By Anonymous - 11/06/2014 21:38 - Australia - Granville
How very dare you?
By Anonymous - 23/08/2019 14:00
Top comments
lol get off then think of all the stickers you'll lose when she finds the cocaine... oh shit, dude sorry
OP... may be you should be more careful giving access to your vigina!!! you sound too young for raising a kid!
do you get mom-bucks every Friday?
Right, #137, because since its been on TV, it can never happen in real life. Nope. Never. :/
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayIt is not ur daughters right to judge her mother so fyl
If you never judge your parents, their actions, and their decisions, you aren't really learning anything from them, are you? We use our judgment everyday and we have the right to.
right, but did you use behavior charts on your parents? I doubt it. FYL for letting your mother use your own child against you.
Everyone should judge their parents. Parents aren't always right...they're human, too.
YDI if you actually put up with this. Discipline your daughter and get your mother in line. You're the big girl now.
This. Take the chart away. It teaches your daughter that she's in charge. You're the parent. Then tell your mother that you are capable of raising your own child without her interference.
Definitly. Who's the child in this situation?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This times a million.
when you were a kid and you had a problem with your parents, would you actually tell them? I know I never did, cause I'd get a good yelling at, then a lecture on respect, then be grounded for a couple weeks.
Today, my mum got out of rehab. In order to maintain her progress we set up a behaviour chart in which I judge her parenting skills and reward her. She's already lost one sticker. We started two minutes ago. FML.
Actually, these charts are sometimes given to a parent in therapy, or just out of rehab. The purpose is for the parent to judge their OWN parenting skills, and along with the therapist, focus on their percieved weaknesses. Sometimes one is insecure about one's own effectiveness and ability to parent. This tool is used to self- monitor any area the parent/patient feels they may be lacking, and they can then work on any problems with the therapist. It can be a helpful tool. Unless the OP's mother is her therapist,(would not happen), I don't see why she would be using it, much less involving the child.
fernando's slightly over rated. where was he when the US owned Spain?
Currently? You loose a star because your daughter should be in school.... and another one because you should be doing something about it instead of wallowing within yourself. No wonder your mother is doing this.
Yeah, I had forgotten about that. xD
I guess it depends on what time her daughter's school is supposed to start. It said this was submitted 8:17 their time, so it could go either way. (Unless the time on the FML is the published time, which wouldn't really make sense because the first comment starts at 2:00 something)
Yeah, I had thought of the age thing, but giving a four/five (or under) year old a behavior chart? I don't think so.
You need to woman up and tell your mom to back off because you're an adult. You also need to remind your daughter that no matter what grandma says you are her parent. She shouldn't be disciplining you.

YDI if you actually put up with this. Discipline your daughter and get your mother in line. You're the big girl now.
lol get off then think of all the stickers you'll lose when she finds the cocaine... oh shit, dude sorry