By Derps - 04/05/2011 09:11 - Denmark

Today, my mother said she called our internet provider, and told them to cancel it. In rage, I left for a friends house for a couple of hours. When I got home, she told me she was joking, and wanted me out of the house so she could eat all the ice-cream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 486
You deserved it 39 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I scream, you scream. You screamed so she could have icecream!


DjSmoz 0

Well, you're names is "derps" and you got mad when your mom threatened to cancel the internet....You're just like me o_0 Except I was mad that I wouldn't be able to look up pictures of Slipknot to draw anymore xP

mintcar 9

Wow, you overreacted! And...was it cookie dough? Best ice cream flavor there is.

Well, now your friends have a legit excuse to diss you : "Yo mama so fat, she tricked you out of the house to have all the ice cream to herself."

JesterMarcus 0

You represent the many faces of loser.

ohhsnappitsme 15

I understand being a little bummed not having the internet anymore, but a rage? And why would your mom have to trick you to get out of the house to eat all the ice cream? If she bought it she should be able to bath in it if she wants.

The proper terms are 'nerd rage' and OP's mum could be jabba the ****