By Anonymous - 10/10/2009 17:53 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother said she trusted me enough to go with me for my first drive in my new car. As soon as we got in the car, she started hyperventilating and screaming we're going to crash. I didn't even start the engine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 067
You deserved it 2 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when you tell her to calm down and everything will be fine and then peel out and slam the brakes and tell her thats what you learned in need for speed

nitro27x 2

My mom did that when I got my learner's permit.


jane99 0

What a spoiled brat, she's never even drove before and has a new car.

First of all, if it's driven, not drove. And the OP never said she hadn't driven before, just that it's her first drive in that particular car. Also, you have no right to call someone you don't even know a "spoiled brat." Most people call a car "new" because it's new to them. It's probably a used car. But even if it's a brand new car, who says she didn't pay for it herself? Right. Nobody. Don't assume, it makes an A-S-S out of U and M-E. Well, more you than me.

disturbedchic 0

Where did it say she never drove before or even how old the poster is? My fiance is 26 and his mother still refuses to drive in his car, even the new one he bought with his own cash. Heck, even when I earned my license as a teenager I was given an old used car but it was "new" to me. Sooo many assumptions.

jane99 0

Why would her mother be screaming if the daughter was an experienced driver?

boatkicker 4

Why would she be screaming in a PARKED car anyways? Mother is nuts. End of story.

Haha my mom freaks about me behind the wheel too. I've been driving for over 2 years, no tickets and no accidents what-so-ever, yet she refuses to get into the car with me. I remember one time her car was basically out of gas. The empty light was on so I offered to take my car, which had a full tank of gas. She said only if she could drive. I said no, I want to drive my car since I know how to get where we were going anyway. She said no let's take her out-of-gas car. I don't know what makes her think she's the world's most perfect driver, but whatever. At least I didn't have to waste my gas. =o) So, OP don't take it too seriously. Just drive carefully, follow the all the rules of the road and eventually your mother will see that you're a good driver (unless you have a mother like mine, haha.)

wajalama 0

your mom needs a chill pill XD

You're obviously a bad driver. Get a bus pass.

uh... what the **** is wrong with your mom??? if she is going to do that, tell her to get the hell out of your car and that you dont need to put up with her crap.

jisatsu 0

in the middle east a girl cant get a license or car or drive without a MALE relatives permission. the male must be in the car at all times too :)