FML for mobile
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By millie219 - 13/08/2012 15:20 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, my mother screamed at my boyfriend, calling him an "evil piece of self-centred trash". He's a sweet guy who does volunteer work for kids with learning difficulties. She's a bitter, passive-aggressive telemarketer who constantly harasses her own family with sales calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 389
You deserved it 2 198

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

You think your bf is so sweet, but he just hangs out with dumb kids just so he can feel smart by comparison. Can I interest you in a set of steak knives that can saw a boot in half?

KiddNYC1O 20

That second "an" is bothering me...

You could **** with her and hum/play hold music whenever she's being bitchy or calls to try and sell shit.

Wow you must be a great person too, since you care so much about your brother that you write an FML about him. Good for you OP!

It's her boyfriend... OP, if you are in age and able to do so, maybe it's time to move out far enough from your bitter mother. You would not want her to ruin your relationship with your sweet boyfriend...

hateevryone 14

Whenever someone says something about another person it always says more about the speaker than the other person.

Seems like to me she's the "evil self-centered piece of trash".

sweetmama88 6

I'm sure your mother didn't mean what she said, most probably what she said she is going to be sorry at some point! karma is a bitch. What goes around comes around, twice as hard . And tell your boyfriend that she's on her period , and he will understand blame it on Pms instead of your mother being some complete asshole. !

"trash"? No-one in the UK says trash.

ReturnOfTheRat 6

Look on the bright side, sounds like you have a pretty amazing boyfriend. He can always comfort you when you're reminded about your not so great mom.