By imobesejk - 17/07/2011 00:19 - United States

Today, my mother told me I'm going to get lung cancer. Because she smokes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 201
You deserved it 2 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's going to beat you in that race. not a real race of course, she would be out of breath


ThisRandomChild 0

What a truly thoughtful individual >.

noes your chance to make your mom super guilty and make her your servant

same story for me bro, she didn't say it to me.. but I always say it, because I know it.

where did your mom go to collage haha

Where did you go to COLLEGE? (Notice how I spelled it correctly?)

Actually, there is no sound evidence, even by science, that second hand smoke effects others. This is a fact :-)

Go ahead and breathe in the air right next to a smoker for a few years and see how it affects you. I'm sure you won't be breathing any better.

That's funny because a ton of studies conducted around the world have shown and increased risk of lung cancer in those exposed to second hand smoke. Studies have also shown the incidents of brain tumours in children also increases significantly with higher amount of passive smoking. I have no idea where you got the idea it doesn't harm other people..

I am obtaining a degree in which a study was conducted to see the effects of second hand smoke and there is a 0% chance that what comes out from the ciggarettes burning and what the person exhales from their lungs will effect another human being that isn't smoking the cigarette. Not to say there ARE chemicals that the tobacco company have put in the cigarette which can effect the environment, but there is still NO plausible evidence that "second hand" smoke can kill or cause lung cancer. Get your facts straight love ;-)

Seriously? Are you a complete retard? The smoke a smoker breathes in is the same smoke that comes off of a lit cigarette and into a room, with me so far? If someone breathes in the smoke in the room they are breathing in the exact same chemicals as the smoker just in lower concentrations, still with me? Do we both agree that smoking is bad for smokers health? If the smoke a non-smoker breathes in is the same smoke a smoker it will still damage their health.. Do you see how that works? I never said it 100% always kills people but it DEFINITELY causes problems.. You said 'there is no sound evidence, even by science, that second hand smoke effects others' when in fact there is literally HUNDREDS of studies providing hard evidence that second had smoke effects others! So actually I think YOU need to get YOUR facts straight love..

chynayes 1

she actually is right you could possibly get lung cancer my grandmother passed away from second hand smoke