By FeedMe - 27/05/2011 10:45 - United States

Today, my mother went shopping. She bought three boxes of Popsicles and a giant stuffed dog. She did not buy dinner or toilet paper. I've eaten nothing but cereal and popcorn for three days now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 922
You deserved it 5 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get money from her and buy food for YOU

iAmScrubs 19

At least you have a stuffed dog to stroke and calm you down


angie97 0

god I hate it when my mom does that makes me wanna cry

Reading this FML again, I find it unlikely that a child wrote it. For one thing, they used the correct structure for an FML. For another, they made no visible spelling or grammar errors. Not to say that a child COULDN'T have written it, but a better guess would be that OP is either a lazy teen or a man-child..

Pennygrim 0

If you are old enough to be on this website I guess youre old enough to get a job and buy youre own food

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

I wonder why she needs so many Popsicles... hmmmm.....

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

I got it!! Popsicle **** star. Quite and image, ehh?

SunDropGirl 0

and what have you been whiping with?

yes...and now u have popsicles, duh!

Your capable of posting on here, but not capable of getting off your ass and going to the store yourself? Maybe she's trying to better humanity by starving you to death.

Yeah, cause it's so hard to post here. I mean, you'd have to be at LEAST thirteen, or you could never figure it out. And of course anyone that old is capable of going to get food for themselves, no matter how far away from town they live. And I'm sure thirteen-year-olds have enough money to provide themselves with food and basic supplies on a daily basis, too. Why do we even wait till kids are eighteen to make them move out anyway? Once they hit middle school, they should be fine on their own! Parents shouldn't be responsible for them at all.

lulututu 4

Do it yourself dude. Grow up man If your so freaking hungry cook and go shopping yourself!! ugg.

welcome to my world...... I legit have the same problem, but it's popcorn or pretzels, depends on the mood....