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By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 15:30 - United States

Today, I finally found a reason to quit smoking. I threw my cigarette butt out the window and it blew back in, went down the back of my pants, and burnt my butt in 3 different places. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 928
You deserved it 54 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyNameIsBruce 0

Turns out the wind doesn't like smoking either


SirEBC 7

#16, you are automatically lame for commenting on the first comment, but your comment was still pretty badass.

SirEBC 7

You aren't very bright, are you?

whoisthisgirl 4

well you commented on the first comment too.

Well I guess you needed a fire lit under your ass to help you decide.:)

gutzz 0

or maybe she just needed to be bit in the ass by it to have a reason to quit it :P I like yours better though :)

TurkeyBaconLovin 0

boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner

gutzz 0

haha nice 58, I'm quite disappointed in my sub-par trolling today :/ I'm distraught from having my account banned for reasons out of my knowledge I guess lol.

cloudy01 0

oh. that's great FML removed my comment. great job!

SoundnVasion 0

My cousin corey likes smoking ciggarettes, he's in high school.

Lol at 82, I didn't get what you were saying until I read your profile. Seriously though smoking's pretty lame, especially when it's cigarettes. Tell Cory to stop. & Thank you to 63.

robc32ca 4

op your fault for littering

YANKS2728 0
Sonfang 19

LOL your cig butt burned your butt! bet that really chapped your ass! Op I hope quitting works for you, and your ass burn is a reminder for the first few days at least. :)

MyNameIsBruce 0

I just realized something. If he quite smoking, why was he throwing a lit cigarette out of the window?

LukeNukem_fml 3

...revise the FML carefully.

#139 - OP said he found a reason to quit smoking. The FML was the reason.

ydi for smoking and littering. dumb kid

o_omwahaha 0

that's the *only* reason you found to stop smoking? >_< geez.

gutzz 0

how creative. 2, cool it, you're putting too much thought into your comments and making us feel stupid.

I feel so enlightened. The world makes sense now. oh ...

KiddNYC1O 20

2 was dying for first comment.

YANKS2728 0

#2 just revealed us the meaning of life.

hidrox94 5

Thats why smoking is bad. Among other reasons of course lol

a_cassie 4

haha I was thinking the same thing! like health reasons

It's a sign that you shouldn't smoke.

It's also a sign that your pants don't fit.

gutzz 0

ya, the force of air is a sign.... not the lasting effects to your skin, lungs, esophagus, and mouth... yup those 3 temporary burns on your ass really woke u up...

well at least it went down the back. yikes

yea imagine it would have went down the front! o.0

mikejunior88 4

cigarettes are lame and way too expensive anyway. hopefully you'll actually quit.

MyNameIsBruce 0

Turns out the wind doesn't like smoking either

Because it's a little bit hypocritical. I always wonder how many of the "ew smoking is icky" people shove bacon and butter sandwiches down their throats while smoking crack a day after drinking a bottle of grain. I just wonder, I'm not blaming anyone in particular. And, like this guy^ said, we don't want to stop. So there's nothing to admit.

They should add that to the warning on the front of the packets.