By Anonymous - 17/01/2014 18:38 - United States - Spring Hill

Today, my new calculus teacher taught everything using nothing but soccer terms and analogies, just so the resident idiot meatheads would understand. I didn't learn a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 271
You deserved it 5 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Creshto 1

Does that mean you're less intelligent than the idiot meatheads?

flashback.miss 28

okay, just because one student has trouble understanding doesn't mean the whole class should have to be subject to that. maybe you could volunteer as a tutor or refer to a math help center>


well teach them of that dainty little sport where real men wear cool shorts and have actually ran the same drills as the students. you gotta be ready for that crap . when is the offside trap ? when you become the only one that doesn't know about soccer, you gotta blend in with others. looks like need to start watching soccer videos, starting back to preschool and up. then watch the various levels from recreational team, high school team, Olympic development pools, special elite teams. indoor, outdoor......

They can't be that big of meatheads if they understood and u didn't.

Good teaching skills are integral to a professor's job.

He's not a very good teacher if he teaches in such a way that only a specific subset of his students can understand what he's saying.

He was just helping out the less fortunate! Be a little more understanding to the meatheads!

Andrew891 1

usually meatheads were the people that took algebra 1a for ninth grade algebra 1b for 10th and so forth. how are calculus students even considered in the same as those meat heads?

This is the whole problem with the education system, the teachers are made to cater to all the dumb arses in class

First off, I understand the pain of not understanding teachers. I've had one in calculus that literally couldn't work proofs of what we were supposed to use, and he plain didn't teach, as well as multiple foreign computer science teachers with accents that I could not comprehend. Second, on behalf of every soccer player I know, including myself, we are am very smart group. I graduated top of my class in high school, and received an academic full-ride scholarship. We are very intelligent. Perhaps you are the one having problems, and not the "meatheads" you are referring. You actually make yourself appear to be of lesser intelligence than the athletes in your class.

"Today, most of my calculus class likes soccer, though I don't. My teacher started using soccer terms to explain various concepts to them. Instead of questioning the teacher and asking them to explain it differently to me because I didn't understand, I just sat there being mad that all of these sport-lovers (read: People of lesser intelligence) are so far beneath me." YDI, no question.

How dumb must you feel if even the idiots can get it, and you can't