By MailMaster - 22/07/2011 04:20 - Australia

Today, my new mailbox key finally arrived. Not at the front door as I requested, but in the mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 324
You deserved it 2 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well, how was the mailman supposed to know your new package was the key? Invest in a basic lockpick set. :)

life2007 0

fail you could chill around for the postman to show up and hopefully get him to get it for you

if ppl lockpick cars, im sure you can lockpick a basic mailbox lock.

yeah but have you ever picked a lock it usually permanently wrecks the lock so it mo longer works

Could you not have taped up your mailbox with a big note saying to drop mail at your door? Then it would have been nice and obvious.

markonbeach 0

How do you know the keys even in there?

SirObvious 1

mail goes in the mail box...

Jess1008 4

how do you know it even got delivered if you can't see into your mailbox

psychwardnurse 0

omg they have delivery confirmation... do you people live in the stone age??

Jess1008 4

If I live in stone age then so do you...duhh

nlr 9

you should tell the main office because they should have an extra key...