By MailMaster - 22/07/2011 04:20 - Australia

Today, my new mailbox key finally arrived. Not at the front door as I requested, but in the mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 324
You deserved it 2 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments


USPS makes you go into a branch to pick up your mail key so you can prove who you are with the proper docs. You can't just order one delivered to your house/mailbox. So if this is an American, I call shenanigans.

How do you know it's in your mailbox if you can't open it?

Someone set us up the key D: Well, good luck getting out of there.

Ask the midget to pass it out to you.

Who the hell does that? There sure are some super retarded people out there in the world today!!