By abby0019 - 13/03/2010 00:08 - France

Today, my new neighbours came over to introduce themselves. I open the door to see my ex-husband, with a horrified look on his face, and his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 430
You deserved it 2 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

At least it wasn't your husband's lover? =) That would have been AWWWKWWWAAAARRRRD.

HamsteronA 0

lol. stuck with eachother for another while


xxdakotaxx 0

ok so does that mean u moved out after the divorce? cuz if u didnt and he moved next door hes retarded. hes retarded anyway i'd like to check and see who my neighbors would b if i ever moved BEFORE i bought and moved into a new house.

mylifeisover1305 0

Words cannot convey how much I love this FML.

bannanaslug 0

My dad's ex-wife just moved next door to him (and us). It's not bad, given both of them are actually mature adults and don't make a big deal over such a small thing. (Personally, I like it because she's nice, but hey.. that's just my opinion.)

Small world. Besides, if this is the worst thing that's happened to you recently (so much that you'd post it on FML), then I envy the perfect, wonderful life that you're living.

vencku 13

I have thought that in the past, and posted something similar. Which was subsequently deleted by a moderator and I got a stern warning that FML is supposed to be funny, not tragic. I do agree with that, though. This site would be no fun if it were filled with people dying of cancer.

Haha, I bet you're going to have fun living there!