By Anonymous - 23/03/2014 16:59 - Egypt

Today, my non-English-speaking grandma bought me a new t-shirt. It would've been sweet if it didn't have the word "bondage" written on the back in pretty, bold letters. I had no choice but to wear it while we went shopping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 166
You deserved it 3 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really couldn't have just explained it to her?

Maybe she thought it meant the same thing as Bonding?


Well, not too much you can do now. You wear that shirt OP, you wear the **** out of it.

upallnight11 19

You could have worn a jacket on top of the shirt.

Maybe she knew and was just screwing with you. X,D

You should of just told her the meaning, but I'm sure you will start to like it

Just act like your stance is against bondage. Every time someone gives you an inquiring look, shout,"free the people."

Zip up sweater. The writing was on the back. Wear it unzipped and you can still show off the shirt with grandma but remain comfortable while walking around!

graceinsheepwear 33

She really roped you in with that one.

Yay I help moderate this, funny just today I saw there was a badge award thing for doing just this and I got it today

It is inappropriate to "brag" that you moderated it. Been there, its a rookie mistake.

I wasn't trying to brag sorry I just thought it was interesting it happened the day I found out about the badge

Don't be hating on bondage. Just because you aren't into it doesn't mean it's bad. I don't find it appealing but I think it's interesting.