By georgiaswish - 20/11/2013 20:05 - United Kingdom

Today, my obsessive ex, who recently cut my phone line to stop me from talking to my boyfriend of three years, got a job at the same restaurant where both my boyfriend and I work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 031
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A 'bit of paper' that will send his ass to jail if he violates it. good luck with prosecution OP; I hope all goes well and they hit him with that book hard!

Phone line? Don't you have a cell phone or Skype? Oh and get a restraining order


relationships in the work place are hardly ever a good idea but restraining order?

you got the upper hand tell your coworkers about him...make it an undesirable place for him to work.

First thing, OP, You shouldn't be working in the same place as your boyfriend anyways.

Sweetpea22 14

Why? Many people do and nothing happens. My BIL and sister do and they work fine and in a professional manner

And why haven't you gotten a restraining order yet?

Tomorrow's front page. "Today, I woke up to see my crazy ex wearing my boyfriend's face like a mask. FML"

VoodooPriestess 16

For all people saying she should get a restraining order, they are actually super hard to get. I mean you have to prove they are threat to you. Bt yeah consult the manager.

Yeah.... That's called stalking.... which is sort of..... you know..... illegal.

NodakN8V 25

Learn how to shoot... Because a 150grain full metal jacket protects more than a piece of paper does...

Time to talk to your boss and the cops/neighborhood vigilantes, or buy a taser and cams. Happy hunting op