By georgiaswish - 20/11/2013 20:05 - United Kingdom

Today, my obsessive ex, who recently cut my phone line to stop me from talking to my boyfriend of three years, got a job at the same restaurant where both my boyfriend and I work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 031
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A 'bit of paper' that will send his ass to jail if he violates it. good luck with prosecution OP; I hope all goes well and they hit him with that book hard!

Phone line? Don't you have a cell phone or Skype? Oh and get a restraining order


if u get restraining order, he will have ti quit

CrazyGirlfriend 21

I dont think people realize that while a restraining order does have the power to put him behind doesnt mean he wont get dangerous . He is willing to go as far as cut your phone lines and get a job at the same place you do, get a restraining of course, but he has stated that they are a pierce of paper. you never know if they may snap and get the whole "if I cant have you, no one can have you" mentaility. I, for one, would feel safer with self defense classes in case it happens! Saving every contact you can will help with the police with getting the restraining order and will help put him behind bars if he violates them. but stalkers are ******* dangerous. I would like to know how to defend myself and have protection in case it gets any worse than it is. No one says it will. but you never know.

Get those prepaid plans with unlimited calls and text ! About $50 per month only :-)

When OP said he cut her phone line, she meant he physically cut the cable connected to her landline, not that he stopped paying for her cellphone.

That advice works either way, but I'm more curious about something else... my plan (which doesn't include a phone, just a sim card) costs ~$30 a month and I get unlimited calls, unlimited texts (including MMS), unlimited international calls to select countries, and most importantly unlimited mobile Internet (with a speed cap after 3GB, I never use up that much). How much would that cost you?

Who do you go through? I pay 48.00 for unlimited text, call and data. The 3G for a limited amount. I actually never end up using all of the G3 provided.

@151: OP also made mention of how expensive her mobile phone calls are. #148 is simply referring to that. For all we know, #148 knew very well that OP was referring to her landline cable being cut. Don't make assumptions.

ninety 25

I tried to get a restraining order against an ex that had been stalking me for months (to include sitting outside my house for hours a few days a week and blocking off access to my car). The judge guy told me that it sounded like he was just upset and that because he had not yet harmed me that I didn't need one.

I take it as you never once thought to ask the manager who he/she is interviewing and plan on hiring.... Call it crazy but managers are usually easily influenced as to who to hire.

CrazyGirlfriend 21

let's just assume (actually dont assume) that I dont know the gun laws of a different country, I was just offering my advice on what I know. I also offered advice that self defense classes should also be an option. A weapon can be something else besides a gun. a baseball bat, a kitchen knife, pepper spray, etc. when I said weapon I didnt just mean gun. I did mention gun but meant more than just that.

CrazyGirlfriend 21

and also 141, more trouble than it is worth? I have to disagree. Lets say he does get dangerous and eventually wants to harm her because he snaps and decides that if he cant have her then no one can, I would say that having a gun would be worth the trouble to get to save my life. and, if youre in public while he's harrassing you then of course you arent going to use the gun. the gun is only for when youre alone, no one else is around, you dont have a way to immediately call the police and they want to cause you physical harm

CrazyGirlfriend 21

no one ever said she had to get the gun illegally. as you said, it is difficult but that doesnt make it impossible. I would glady call the police to say there is a dead body from someone trying to kill me then have them show up and my body be the one there, especially when there are signs of them breaking and entering and signs of a struggle. The evidence should be on my side. also, if she has a restraining order then that should help her case too. She doesnt have to have a kitchen knife strapped to her. CARRY PEPPER SPRAY, SPRAY IT IN THEIR EYES THEN RUN OFF AND GRAB A KNIFE. I figured that idea would be obvious. If the system in UK is screwed up to where she would be labeled the attacker in that situation then something needs to change.

nikidilla1 5

Good luck! You cannot get a restraining order if he has physically abused you if he has continually stalked you has threatened you or family members lives! Hopefully he will eventually get the hint after a few more years!

#138; thank you. Even if I had read the FML countless times whilst thinking of all possible outcomes, the fact that a restraining order against another employee would result in said employee losing their job would have never occurred to me. The clarity of your impeccable grammar also made this revelation so easy to understand, I wondered why I had never thought of it, and reflected on how upset I am with myself that I will never be able to speak with your genius level intellect. #140, whilst reading your comment, my reaction was, "YEAH!!" until I got to the end and read your username. Unless, of course, that is a sarcastic name in accordance with an FML where a lover of yours called you a crazy girlfriend without the grounds to do so, in which case I completely stand behind everything you said. I obviously have no problem with sarcasm.