By Anonymous - 23/11/2015 05:44 - United States

Today, my one-year-old son threw up on the man sitting next to us on a plane. I felt bad and apologized profusely. When I tried to give him money for dry cleaning, he slapped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 896
You deserved it 3 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that was uncalled for. You did the right thing in this situation, OP!


Who brings a one year old on a plane?? How inconsiderate to everyone else onboard. What if that person was going straight to a meeting. Dry cleaning doesn't get out throw up. Now that person has to hopefully get their bags in time, change in an airport bathroom and deal With disgusting clothing because you HAD to bring a baby on a plane. People with children should think about the fact that not everyone thinks kids are cute. They cry for no reason, throw things, project liquids and won't shut up. That's why I voted YDI. By the way I'm a female and the first one to vote YDI

Wow... Bitter much?! It is a parents right to bring their children with them on a plane! I have family who live 5 provinces over (I'm in Canada) and they have 3 kids. Well in order to come visit all he family here they have to take a plane since it's easier on a plane then driving 3-5 days straight. Kids have just as mush of right to travel by plane as anyone else!

If your dry cleaner can't get vomit out of clothing, then your dry cleaner is incompetent. Lots of people bring children on planes, and hitting people after they've apologized and offered you money to get your clothes cleaned is rude. It's also assault, which can get you arrested, and can definitely get you kicked off the plane and banned from using that specific airline. You voting YDI has nothing to do with you being female, and everything to do with you being a complete shit head.

I don't like kids either but on this one I'm with @makkarari

Burukasai 17

Okay, so people can't go on vacation if they have kids? What's your solution, leave your newborn with a stranger for 2 weeks? What if they want to introduce their baby to distant family members? I understand not liking kids, because I don't either, but don't shame people who do.

KhaleesiDannie 26

OH how terrible she is taking her young child with her she should have crated the baby and put it in with the luggage or just mailed the baby in advanced so no one on the plane was bothered*sarcasm*

You did nothing wrong. I am sincerely sorry he responded that way!

They shouldn't allow children on the plane in the first place. Slapping a person isn't the answer but hopefully it'll make you think twice about forcing other people to be around your kids.

So apparently kids are not human beings? What are parents supposed to do to them when they need to travel? Leave their kids with someone else for weeks? It really ticks me off that kids have apparently don't have any rights. Remember you were a child too once!

KhaleesiDannie 26

She should have the guy arrested for assault and the company should have him taken off the plane... people have to take their children with them most of the home if you don't want to risk it pay extra for first class

holy shit it's like....Kids have to go places too or something. OP could have been on a family trip and flying was the most time and cost effective way. Remember the good ol' days when YOUR parents 'forced other people to be around you' when you were a kid? :) <3 bet a lot of people were reaaaaaaal thrilled to be around you, ya bundle of joy and kindness.

With your logic, kids shouldn't be allowed out of the house. When would that ever make sense?


while I agree with everyone else in that parents have to take their kids with them and flying is the most cost effective a lot of the time. however a lot of parents take their children to places that are not suited for a child of a certain age. for instance a nice restaurant with a toddler is not a good choice because you can't expect a toddler to behave properly. that's when I get irritated because I'm paying a lot to enjoy something and someone didn't want to find a babysitter

KhaleesiDannie 26

I'm very sorry that happened even after you apologized and tried to make things right so many parents would have just ignored what happened

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Slapping you is pretty harsh, I agree, but maybe you offended him by giving him money because some people can take that as a sign of you thinking they're beneath you.

Or maybe she began to annoy him with her profuse apologies and offerings rather than let him calmly wipe it off. Either way tho, he should NOT have touched her.

kmw003 17

too bad your kid couldn't puke on him again. I'm really hoping to see a follow up for this that says he got what he deserves for slapping you, OP!

That was really uncalled for, you were apologizing and he had the nerve to slap you?

shortcake18 15
Sandman2015 12

I hope you slapped him back with an assault charge.