By doughgirl101 - 07/09/2011 05:59 - Canada

Today, my parents canceled the Internet at our house because they view it as a "passing fad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 750
You deserved it 2 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And I'm guessing they probably ride pogo sticks to work because those will be popular forever.


Wtfnotgay 4

Well obviously it says they've canceled it, probably means it'll end when the last billing cycle is completed. And the OP may have mobile data, and a smart phone to be able to access the Web anyway.. Or their parents are just trolls ;)

KasaraEm13 12

Suuuure, a passing fad that only 99.9% of the world uses on a daily basis. We'll never get to the point where we can shop online, pay our bills online, have video chats with each other, play games together. It'll all end before any of that happens.

Firstly.. Maybe they can't afford it?? .... Second.... Whoever u are that said internets been around since 1960.. For 20 years.. ??? Uhmm really? That's 51 years buds... Andd it definitely hasn't been around since the 60's.... So maybe u need to educate yourself ;)

marpay 11

Dear child who hasn't been educated, the Internet was developed in the 1960's. It became commercially available during the 1990's and that is what I was talking about when I said twenty years. Please before you try to call someone out use google and check it yourself.

its been around since the early 80s dipshit

varkey 7

Your parents are officially retarded, stupid, dumb, moronic idiots. Sorry for the redundancy, but I felt that fewer adjectives just wouldn't cut it.

Capt_Oblivious 10

They're right, that interweb thingy will never catch on

So how the hell are you posting this fml????