By doughgirl101 - 07/09/2011 05:59 - Canada

Today, my parents canceled the Internet at our house because they view it as a "passing fad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 750
You deserved it 2 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And I'm guessing they probably ride pogo sticks to work because those will be popular forever.


Jonpker3 4

How exactly did you do this with no internet?

kingjames2306 0

1969 was wen the first computer went online in 1974 is wen the term (internet) came into play so for the ppl saying we have had internet for 20 yrs do some research

wriptidez 0

always ask for rides to the library... she will give in after awhile...

So how are you on... You know what nevermind..

corey7white 2

ha how did you post your FML????? lol

So many jobs require its use! Your parents are putting you at a technological disadvantage by doing that. My current education is 90% internet based. Cant imagine not having it.

ustinkyo98 0

how'd u post that without internet?