By doughgirl101 - 07/09/2011 05:59 - Canada

Today, my parents canceled the Internet at our house because they view it as a "passing fad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 750
You deserved it 2 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And I'm guessing they probably ride pogo sticks to work because those will be popular forever.


Do they forbid you to listen to "the devil's music," rock n' roll, too? Watch out, next they'll be making you read by candlelight, send telegrams, and build an outhouse in the backyard. I thought that M. Night Shamalayan village was in Pennsylvania, not Canada.

juen8940 1

the internet? is that thing still around?

thrys5 0

Step 1 prepare your hand Step 2 bitch slap parents

leadman1989 15

Tell them eating gas fallen out of vogue!

Mipz 2
oklahomaguy 0

No more beating your snatch off at iporn anymore. Sucks to be you.

bizarre_ftw 21

Tell them that's what mark twain called the telephone when he had the chance to invest in it

Wait..... From where did OP send this post then?

waitnobodycares 6