By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States

Today, my parents decided they won't pay for college because of a Fox News story that said higher education "makes you liberal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 020
You deserved it 3 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant

Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.


jamese1207 0

@138: learn to spell before calling people retarded

lortay2468_fml 0

you know, fox news is no longer considered a credible source by those those places of higher education, so there's probably an agenda behind what they're saying

jisaac09 25

@157...... ahhhh are you retarded or something??? cause all these ppl who act like they are ******* geniuses cant figure that out. So, i guess you have to be a retard to figure it out.... @122...... NO..... just cause your liberal dont mean your a democrat, or just cause your conservative dont make you a republican..... They arent synonyms of each other....

Sparkiee93 3

That's pretty damn funny XD Obviously they are not educated. Sorry. Well, it builds character (sorry for the cliche') to struggle for an education, good luck!

LMAO I love how the people who refer to themselves as conservatives are the ones who say "YOU should be paying for your college." Well honestly, student loans and other financial aid are not nearly enough to pay for Ivy League colleges. And some parents, like mine, won't let me get a job until I'm 18 so thats not enough time to actually save up. Isn't it the job of your parents to actually educate you and make you someone who contributes to society weather you are conservative or liberal? Not another person who eats up on welfare? Do you conservatives REALLY want that? I don't think so. And yes, higher education does make a person more liberal. Individual who have a P.H.D tend to be more liberal that those who just have a highschool education. And yes, this is proven. Personally, I cannot take Fox News seriously. My dad and I watch it as comic relief and we have a great time laughing to everything that Sean Hannity says. The only reason I can stand my conservative boyfriend is because we simply do not talk about politics and he is a moderate conservative. Global Warming is not a myth =.= #181 already stated the facts. It's proven. You cannot deny it. Weather patterns are becoming incredibly unpredictable. In the South last year, we got snow in March. That's crazy. OP I am so sorry that your parents do not believe in higher education >< They must not understand that you need to go to college to be successful. People who have college educations cant barely get a job...

Sugarlips_xo 0

You don't need to go to college to be successful. There are plenty of successful people who haven't been to college. Entrepreneurs are the ones who make it big, and there is no college degree required to be an entrepreneur.

#235... That's unfortunately idealistic, and sadly not true *at all* anymore. 15 years ago, during the height of the .com era, absolutely. Now, however, even minimum-wage employers can afford to shop for the most desirable and qualified candidates. Of course, there is the rare exception, and if you are that exception, I commend you. However, most anybody here with or without a degree who has been in the job market recently can tell you that it is absolutely brutal out there, regardless of your field. The most intelligent college dropouts I know are now working multiple hourly jobs just to barely make ends meet (and trying to find ways to go back to college). Not to mention that investment in new ventures has decreased exponentially over the past decade...

metsrule64 0