By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States

Today, my parents decided they won't pay for college because of a Fox News story that said higher education "makes you liberal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 020
You deserved it 3 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant

Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.


**** everyone who thinks that fox sucks. fox is the absolute best news station in history

I'm willing to bet that you are a Republican who doesn't want Obama in office.

GuitaristFrom94 0

Its hard for me to read anything about politics without facepalming these days.

aDropOfSunshine 2

Too true. Last time I checked, bickering and name-calling were not great substitutes for legitimate, thoughtful arguments.

Airborne2002 7
Quiet_one 22

Higher education doesn't make you liberal. It just makes you smart enough to decide for yourself whether you want to be liberal, conservative, or something else entirely. However, I'm not sure I even believe that, because after 3 years at a state university my views on all that political crap haven't changed a bit. And if your parents absolutely can't be convinced, there are several Christian colleges you could go to. They're way more expensive because they're private colleges, but they certainly couldn't be called "liberal."

bugmenotmofo 34

Couldn't have said it better. Truth is, being in a place where you meet a lot of people from different backgrounds tends to make you more empathetic of other people. It's pretty hard to go "them gays are gonna destroy marriage!" when you have a gay lab partner. I knew plenty of conservatives and liberals in college, but it's pretty hard to be a hate-filled fundie in a place where pretty much a rainbow of people are getting along with no problems. They're terrified of college, because they don't like things that challenge their views.

i'm glad i don't live in america. My country pays for 80percent of education here irregardless if its university or TAFE (TAFE is similar to community college i think)

'Irregardless'? The 20% they don't pay for must be grammar.

goddamn I hate faux news....and I also hate parents that believe anything they hear

So were you inappropriately touched by an apostrophe in your youth? You seem to be unable to use one and I would like to know if it's psychological or voluntary.

derhammer 0

u guys just hate fox news cause what they say is true and u guys are just too oblivious to realize that

Uhh... no, they're not. Anyway, to most of you, shut the **** up. Obama sucks dick. Free health care sucks; look how it worked out in other countries. Besides, it raises the debt and your taxes. If Bush hadn't started the wars, we'd all have lost our lives to Taliban attacks long ago. Obama quadrupled the debt and raised the unemployment rate by... how much, 5%? Seriously, it's completely retarded to blame Bush for the economy. As for Fox News, they're conservative. There's nothing wrong with that; **** off. Also if you haven't noticed most Fox News hosts have several masters degrees in great colleges and universities like Harvard. The amount of stupidity most of you Obama worshippers are blurting out on here is off the charts. Also, have you noticed all the liberals here only post personal attacks and never make any valid points about why they think their policies are better? Honestly...

KateeJo 0

@138 What about my complete retards?