By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States

Today, my parents decided they won't pay for college because of a Fox News story that said higher education "makes you liberal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 020
You deserved it 3 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant

Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.


octoshooter 0

Ha ha! Daily Show reference for the win. But seriously, fyl for having stupid parents.

scorpioserpent 1

If Bush didn't start that war, they'd be over here. 9/11 all over again....

holy shit. this comments section. this ******* comments section. it reads like a goddamn Intro to Politics course. you all are a bunch of whining, know-nothing babies, regardless of which side of the political spectrum you reside upon. "a bloo bloo bloo obama sux lib'ruls want to destroy the greatest nation on earth!" "a durr hurr hur bu$h sux he destroyed this country and obama's trying to fix it!!" guess what: you're both retarded. this country has been ****** for a long ass time and there's nothing your marginal politics can do to fix it. although it is amusing seeing how conservatives hate obama so much when his presidential record is so vastly similar to that of a conservative...

aDropOfSunshine 2

OP, that sucks, my parents are very conservative and have insinuated that my college professors preached in class to not believe in God. Not true at all, I think being in school allows you to open your mind and start questioning, if you're looking for answers anyway. Ultimately, people believe what they want to believe, and if they're easily swayed one way or another without looking for answers first, then that's a waste of a mind. However, I'm sure you can probably work to convince them otherwise. As for everyone else on this thread: I just love the sweeping over-generalization of the other party that is going on. Liberals and conservatives come in all shapes and sizes, in all walks of life and anyone that honestly thinks that there is one stupid generalization that applies to every conservative or liberal is truly an idiot. And unfortunately, having the nation split in so many ways is what George Washington warned against back in the early days of the US, and it's really sad to see that this country is allowing itself to be ripped apart this way and that it has been for a long time... Can't we all just get along?

the foundation of legitimate political parties in the united states is essentially what has caused its downfall, and at this stage in the game, it's incredibly sad to see republicans and democrats bicker like children with each other, since their policies are, as a whole, incredibly similar, but because one has (D) next to his name and the other has (R) they see each other as some immense threat. people are idiots, unfortunately. the only way to really debate is to pay careful consideration to what the other side is saying and treat them like an adult, rather than just dismissing their ideology as either 'too conservative' or 'too liberal.' you're far more likely to convert someone through civility and reasoned discussion than rude dismissal.

You are a retard hypocrite, I dont feel like arguing right now, but when I wake up I will explain it to you, even though you will continue your obnoxious banter. but for now FYL manchild, I can akready tell what personality is like in real life, well i have narrowed down to two. again feel sorry for you and your ignorance

if you can explain your gripes with what i've said in a format that doesn't involve ad hominem attacks, like calling me a 'retard hypocrite,' using talking points, buzz words, etc., or putting words into my mouth, i fully welcome it and would be glad to try to see things from your perspective. unfortunately, judging by your other comments, that seems unlikely.

234 you are a dumbass. all of you saying Bush did good are gullible dumbasses.

If you were expecting them to pay for everything, YDI. If you have been earning money on your own, FYL.

#237 truly gets this. On to another subject. Who likes popcorn?

your parents should be honored, shielding America from retard, black puppets one stolen liberal child at a time

wtf is wrong with all you haters of obama????? seriously: hes pushing for more stimulus checks for you!!!! hes giving you money and you complain?!?!?!?!?!???!?!!?WTF is wrong with that???!?!??,