By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By noeducation - 27/08/2009 09:16 - Canada
By sophiae123 - 18/01/2015 03:50 - United States - Cadillac
Marriage story
By collegekid - 17/05/2020 14:00
By thanxguys - 17/03/2010 19:03 - United States
Make your minds up
By Remy - 16/11/2013 23:39 - United States - Portland
By Anonymous - 13/12/2009 23:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/10/2011 20:49 - United States
No, it's not a cult, not at all
By Anonymous - 18/04/2021 20:00 - United States - Seaside
Bipartisan spirit
By NormtheNorm - 21/09/2019 15:00 - United States - Enterprise
By skyhigh - 13/01/2011 05:48 - United States
Top comments
better than CNN... dadgum Communist News Network
123, couldn't agree more.
for those of saying this and that about fox news choosing sides well they are neither they just tell the news with no biased or prejudiced reports and btw for most of you stop taking every little thing and turn it into a political battle if you didn't you could have a lot more friends and get farther by not worrying about
no, higher education makes you smart, the being liberal thing is just a side-effect of that
I'd have to agree though.. higher education would more than likely make you more liberal
please, all you people who say obama 'sucks' or isnt 'qualified' are all just sore loser republicans. stop bitching just cuz you lost the election. obama isnt hitler or something. he isnt some 'anti-american muslim terrorist'. regarding the post, fox IS conservative. CNN just doesnt say that obama is satan like fox does. if you want to call them liberal fine.
Ok wait you know what you guys are all blaming each other I'm Australian and you all sound like a bunch of airheads you can't blame one person for starting a war, frankly Obama is still running your country whenever a new leader gets elected you blame them for all your problems it's not easy running a ******* country I personally believe half of you airheads wouldn't be able to run a sim city and your blaming this man for all your problems. Maybe most of you guys should get off your lazy asses and vote if you wanted a different leader.
if you say fox news isn't biased, you've obviously never watched it.

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant
Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.