By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States

Today, my parents decided they won't pay for college because of a Fox News story that said higher education "makes you liberal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 020
You deserved it 3 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant

Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.


Has anyone considered before mocking Fox News that OP's parents are just morons that utterly misinterpreted a story on the news?

cupcakeyumzz 0

Okay, 1) Liberal, DOES NOT, equal Democratic; and Conservative DOES NOT, equal Republican. 2) Yes, Bush increased debt. So has Obama. EVERY PRESIDENT has increased in some way, so stop trying to use that to prove your point, because you look stupid. 3) The world DOES NOT hate America because of Bush. The majority of the world has hated America for a LONG time. When my grandfather stayed in Europe when he was in his 30's, everyone already hated Americans. 4) POLITICS is a matter of OPINION, and you people are ridiculous to argue over opinions. Calling each other "retarded" and using crap arguments ARE NOT going to change anyone's opinion. This is one of THE STUPIDEST ARGUMENTS I have EVER seen on the internet, and that's saying something. 5) You may not AGREE with the actions of Bush or Obama, butthese men were elected BY American citizens, to the office of President, and they deserve to be RESPECTED no matter what you're opinion of thier actions is. You can't say someone is stupid, or is a bad person, based on thier actions as President, because A- They aren't the only one making that decision, and B- You don't know them. You may see what they do politically, but you can't judge a person's CHARACTER on thier political actions and opinions. All of you are ridiculous, and the more you argue, the more incompetent you look.

432- I seriously hope you realise #1 was being sarcastic

438- Please stop. Your acronyms aren't even close to funny, they don't make sense, and, I hate grammar Nazi's, but, seriously? Grammar. You need it.

And, really, EVERY news network is biased, EVERY person saying things, is biased. Even when they just use Fact, fact, fact; they are using said facts to prove thier point, therefore biasing the facts themselves. Stop arguing over whether or not Fox or any other news network is biased. THEY ALL ARE. Every single network, anchorperson, and report, is biased in one way or another, and you all look stupid trying to prove or disprove that with weak little "arguments" like "yeah theyre biased cuz its all conservatives." That, my not-so-friends, is a fail.

iLove2LoveU 0

I was reading all these comments and totally forgot what the FML story was!

245 you obviously need to get your facts straight congress hasnt declared war since 1942. And for all you who dont know we put saddam hussain into power! And we gave binladen the resources that he had as well as cia training to help his people fight the soviets!!! Get your facts straight before you decide to argue your point please