By Anais Strongrump III Jr. - 09/05/2014 20:41 - United States - Garland

Today, my parents decided to get with the times. So far, they've made me get Snapchat and Instagram accounts, and made me add them on Facebook. They keep acting like annoying teenagers, and get mad at me when I don't play along. For the love of god, somebody save me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 932
You deserved it 5 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor OP, they're just in the teenager phase. It'll pass ;)

Feel sorry for you, OP. It gets worse. I've had to explain to my parents what "YOLO" and "SWAG" mean


Your mom: "Honey, time for dinner! Hashtag Yolo Swag" I believe that's called Midlife Crisis. Just suck it up; they've made the realization that they're aging. Give it some time. Good luck :)

It'll be funny to see when they go clubbing with twelvies.

FMLworthy5000 21

At least your future kids will have cool grandparents

Omg, tell them to add me on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat @XxHugeRod345xX. P.s. No nudes please. Who do you think I am??

badluckalex 23

My solution: ignore them or don't use those apps/sites like me to avoid awkward situations like that.

@16 she was forced to by her parents if she didn't use the apps/sites her parents would kill her

Just be sure your mom checks the snapshots before she shows you.

Have they tried to get your help on FarmVille yet?

Both my parents and all my living grandparents have Facebook. I feel your pain Op.