By Anais Strongrump III Jr. - 09/05/2014 20:41 - United States - Garland

Today, my parents decided to get with the times. So far, they've made me get Snapchat and Instagram accounts, and made me add them on Facebook. They keep acting like annoying teenagers, and get mad at me when I don't play along. For the love of god, somebody save me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 932
You deserved it 5 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor OP, they're just in the teenager phase. It'll pass ;)

Feel sorry for you, OP. It gets worse. I've had to explain to my parents what "YOLO" and "SWAG" mean


My parents are like that too. Acting like teenagers cause them to divorce. Have fun

I feel bad for OP.Luckily,I don't have to deal with that.But if my father got Xbox Live and joined my parties...*shivers* that's where I'll draw the line!

I think I sort of understand. My aunt is trying to be this young hipster like my cousin.

Brooke5702 13

Mine do the same thing OP, eventually they'll get tired of it and start to leave you alone a little more. That's what mine did at least. Best of luck to you OP. :)

liquidpwnage 15

I'm so sorry... I feel your pain

Get someone to hack your accounts. Then you have an excuse.