By Missy - 19/10/2011 22:29 - Australia

Today, my parents had a fight as to which one of them is the most cultured. As a result, they've begun writing my chore lists in a variety of languages. If I don't do them, I'm grounded. I only speak English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 130
You deserved it 3 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

37- there's this exciting new thing called a "keyboard"! It actually let's you type words into the computer! Far fetched, I know but it's true!


leadman1989 15

You have TWO parents that apparently speak a variety of different languages and you ONLY speak English? F your sense of curiosity and hunger for education.

jbunch2514 0

Hey if it's in French I'll translate. But other than That your on tour own

I use google teanslate a lot. I dont agree with "use google translate" since they will be writing in a different language and there is only an english keyboard, which means the symbols used in the languages wont be there and the op will be there a long, long time. So yea, Google translate wont help you there...

Ask your mum if she's cultured enough to translate your dad's list and vice versa.

Cultured or not, neither one of them is mature.

Ground your parents first: tell them that until they work out their cultured problem and can communicate in a language you can understand, they won't be leaving the house: be serious when you say it: they'll take notice!

RedPillSucks 31

Tell them that true cultural battles can only be solved *deep booming voice* BY MORTAL COMBAT

Start writing to them in a symbol based language you made up.