By ulrika - 24/07/2016 01:09 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, my parents let me babysit my baby sister for the first time. About an hour after they left, I was carrying her downstairs and tripped. Try calling your parents from the hospital and explaining that their daughter, who can't even crawl yet, has a broken leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 932
You deserved it 4 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully she's okay and everyone believes your story! Hospitals tend to suspect the worst when it comes to injured children

Unfortunate accidents happen all the time, and luckily it wasn't worse than a broken leg. Hope she heals quick!


That might be VERY bad OP cause her bones are still softer the an average person's bones. Make sure she gets the best treatment she can so she won't be limping or even worse her whole life. Take care OP ✌?️

Your parents may be angry with you now, but it was obviously an accident. Take the ass chewing they are going to give you.... Live with the reminder that will come from their mouths every so often.... But know that you did the right thing by getting her to a hospital right away; know that your initial reaction shows your love for your sibling

Accidents happen OP. Don't take it to hard and hopefully your parents don't either. The good thing about babies and small children is that they can heal up pretty fast and there is a good chance this wont be remembered by her due to how young she is. It will be okay.

On the plus side: you're both alive and relatively unharmed. On the downside, people are gonna be wary about leaving you alone with her for a while.

My son has been in and out of the Children's Hospital for dozens of surgeries since he was born and I can tell you young children heal way faster than adults.

I hate for people to say "it could've been worse...". Why dismiss the person's difficulties as being trivial. It's rude an inconsiderate, on my opinion.

When people say "it could have been worse," they're usually trying to help someone feel better, not dismiss their concerns. It's a way of letting someone know that what happened wasn't so bad and that they don't have to be super worried about what they probably feel was a gigantic mistake.

the exact same thing happened to my nephew. it sucks.

I'm glad you and your sister are ok Op. Accidents happen and this isn't your fault if you were careful!