By ulrika - 24/07/2016 01:09 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, my parents let me babysit my baby sister for the first time. About an hour after they left, I was carrying her downstairs and tripped. Try calling your parents from the hospital and explaining that their daughter, who can't even crawl yet, has a broken leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 932
You deserved it 4 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully she's okay and everyone believes your story! Hospitals tend to suspect the worst when it comes to injured children

Unfortunate accidents happen all the time, and luckily it wasn't worse than a broken leg. Hope she heals quick!


NJAB2001 3

I sat here for 5 minutes wondering why you would babysit your baby sitter.

I fell walking up the stairs carrying my 10 month old and broke his leg. Hasn't stopped him running rings around me now though. I feel your pain OP!

monstababe92 6

Are you okay though?? hopefully you parents asked you that...

I hope she's got better. .I held my son just as I got to the last steps n nearly broke my tail bone

Hopefully the hospital and your parents believe you. luckily, babies heal quickly so she should be up and running in no time