By pregnant loser apparently - 20/05/2013 04:31 - United States - Franklin

Today, my parents posted on Facebook that they were excited that my sister was pregnant and couldn't wait to be grandparents. Last week I told them that I, a 33-year-old happily married woman, was pregnant and they told me I was ruining my life and encouraged me to have an abortion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 189
You deserved it 3 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And does your sister happen to be a teenage delinquent, too?

You can see your parents have favorites :(


34 said it all...... F their lives and be happy

Ypetrol 11

What a horrible parents...sorry

Just rub in their face how awesome your parents in law are and make them jealous

To be fair, they're not going to post how unhappy they are about the situation on Facebook. It's possible the OP's parents are just as unhappy about the sister being pregnant in private.

This sounds like my family. I'm in a happy, stable, long-term relationship; and I'm constantly taking flak from family every time someone remembers that I can have kids one day. I have no plans anytime soon; but at least I can give a child a happy, stable life. However, my unwed, younger, works part-time and can't hold one man for more then 9 months cousin can have an 18 month old with another on the way (different daddies) and the entire family encouraging her to have more cause she has 'pretty babies'.

.. Please.. Kill your family...

Does your family hate your husband?

I have a inkling that there's more to this story than OP's letting on.

Your parents are assholes. Don't let them spoil such a special event for you.