By pregnant loser apparently - 20/05/2013 04:31 - United States - Franklin

Today, my parents posted on Facebook that they were excited that my sister was pregnant and couldn't wait to be grandparents. Last week I told them that I, a 33-year-old happily married woman, was pregnant and they told me I was ruining my life and encouraged me to have an abortion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 189
You deserved it 3 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And does your sister happen to be a teenage delinquent, too?

You can see your parents have favorites :(


what kind of parents saying that thing to you? I'm sorry op.

After you have your kid, congrats by the way, and they ask to see 'em just say NO and walk away.

skyeyez9 24

Your awful parents want you to kill their grandchild, and told you to your face.....that is so ****** up beyond reason. I would have been speechless. My parents were so excited I was having a baby that they bought a ton of clothes and all the baby's furniture, car seat....etc Even if they hate your husband, that is not a good reason to tell you to abort. Its still your baby too and shares yours and the grandparents genetic makeup.