By Vahootie - 03/03/2009 01:57 - United States

Today, my parents refused to visit me at college because "the flights are too expensive." They are currently shopping for a new car to replace my mother's two-year-old Porsche. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 904
You deserved it 4 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whats wrong with parents these days? >_>

#7 - the time and money they could've used to visit their child at college was put to replacing a car that's barely old. i don't think it's right, i think it's selfishness on the parents' side.


Revan_fml 0

Good for your parents. You probably ruined their lives and they only took care of you just because legally they had to. Suck it up.

Count_Em 0

eh, who cares how long your parents have been with you. you still like to see them and you can still miss them. regardless of age. assholes. Sorry that there's someone who loves there's parents.

Maybe they just used that excuse because they're scared to fly? Or there could've been a period of time between shopping for a new car and saying it'd be too costly to see you. Otherwise...

kark7 0

i agree with #26 you shouldn't really be all depressed if they don't come and see you. they pay for everything. and second. why would you want to see your parents?? and #27 there's always GOOD colleges within a matter of hours driving range. so you can **** OFF!!!

Parents seem to not care anymore once you move out.

I hope you told them they can give you the old Porsche and you won't be pissed if they don't visit.

soccerboy101 0

omg im so sorry that sucksss. i would be like F*** you B****es hahaha my sincere apologies tho kid

maybe they could drive in their shiny new carrera gt! not sayin thats their car its just an awesome car