By Vahootie - 03/03/2009 01:57 - United States

Today, my parents refused to visit me at college because "the flights are too expensive." They are currently shopping for a new car to replace my mother's two-year-old Porsche. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 908
You deserved it 4 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whats wrong with parents these days? >_>

#7 - the time and money they could've used to visit their child at college was put to replacing a car that's barely old. i don't think it's right, i think it's selfishness on the parents' side.


wow, assholes. next time you're home, make sure to spill something all over it.

scottwadd 0

they sound like pricks. why would you want to spend time with them anyway?

wow well depends on the condistion of the car? had she bought new? or had it for two years and bought it used? but i agree eather way thats harsh? and couldent they take a raod trip to u?

Reading #26s post just made me cough profusely. Turns out I'm extremely allergic to bullshit, guys.

wow thats rough..they probably had frequent flyer points for you

Well, either your patents FAIL or you were that much of a pain to raise. Hahahahahahha. Wow my parents are the best. They'd never do that to me.

I feel your pain -- my parents visit this town that's only about 20 minutes away from my college ALL THE TIME. But do they ever come to visit me? Nope. The only times my parents have ever been to my school is to drop me off every year.

kissmeimkati 0

Some people are insensitively assuming the OP is a selfish baby. It could be the case, but what's wrong with wanting to spend time with your parents? I think it's nice that a kid wants to see their parents. I agree, the parents sound selfish. And if you can afford a Porsche, you can probably afford airfare- that or you shouldn't have a Porsche in the first place.

That's harsh. Some people say you're selfish, but that's silly. It's a 2-year old car. I kept my previous car until it would seriously NOT run any more (It was a 8 year old car, 10 years when it died. I live in Florida, and it didn't even have AC. AND it would randomly die). I now am driving my dad's trunk, that is 8 years old, and doesn't have radio, but otherwise runs fine. Unless I find a REALLY good deal on a green car, I think it's REALLY stupid to do that.