By UglyFace - 30/11/2013 22:46 - United Kingdom

Today, my parents told me they'd be willing to pay for me to get a nose job. I asked them what was wrong with my nose, and they said nothing, it's just not the kind of nose they'd prefer to feature in our Christmas photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 251
You deserved it 2 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should really tell your parents that you're just a combination of their genes. If they have a problem with you physically, then it's just a problem with themselves. Don't sweat it OP, it will be one of those things they'll look back on and facepalm themselves over.

It's sort of passed down due to genetics so the jokes on them haha


It's very sad that your parents are that shallow. Parents should love their children unconditionnally. I see enough FMLs of bad parenting to think sometimes that reproduction should be regulated...

Ask them to pay for a holiday so you can skip the Christmas photo with them altogether.

They gave u that nose.. Soooo u gonna tell me that they don't have ur nose?

frenchmexkidd 6

You got your nose from them tho ... Genetically.. They just made fun if themselves

Tell your parents where to go, take the money, buy yourself some fancy clothes, get your hair did get your nails did and then drop it like it's hot.

You can blame genetics to get back at them.... Your nose is fine...I have the same issue..

Tell them that they'll have to get one as well because you look like your mom and dad

Then get the money and "change your mind" and don't give it back because they are assholes.

why would u care what other people think? i was hit in the nose at a nine inch nails concert and now my nose feels unhealthy, just be happy that your nose functions properly..