By wtf - 29/11/2010 16:05 - United States

Today, my parents went to the Cayman Islands, leaving me at home in freezing Iowa. Also, even though I never get into trouble, they don't trust me enough to be home on my own. So they hired a babysitter to stay with me until they get back. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 252
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

make love to the babysitter, that will show them.

perdix 29

Is he or she hawt? If so, you know what to do. Turn the babysitter into your own personal ho.


I was asked to stay over with my 16 year old cousin for a night... Not because she is untrustworthy, or they thought she would get in trouble, just because my aunt and uncle didn't want her alone in the house. They would worry, and they wanted someone there to keep her company. No big deal. And if they're going to the Cayman Islands, it's probably more than a night or two... I wouldn't want any 17 year old alone in a house for days on end, regardless of how trustworthy he/she is.

Omg why are u crazy like kids or hyper like children, dude u should stand up for ur rights!

Gateway13 0

is the babysitter attractive?

Ew. I live on the cayman islands. Trust me, you're not missing anything but a sunburn.

Wow, even my mom let's me stay home alone. And I'm 13.

watch movies nd enjoy the weather.... :D some ppl like me can see snow in calenders only :(

that kinda sucks for you... maybe you did something in order for your parents not to trust you.