By no_service - 19/06/2009 17:57 - United States

Today, my phone died. I plugged it in to charge and then went out to run some errands. When I returned, my phone was no where to be found, and our shovel was on the floor, muddy and wet. I then discovered my 6-year old son had buried my "dead" 200$ palmpilot because he had felt sorry for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 628
You deserved it 7 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what, you left your son alone. who was watching him?!

Seti_fml 0

I would be sooo pissed. Especially since it's hard to be mad at your kid since he was trying to help.


That cute...but it really sucks that you're out $200 because of it. I don't think warranties even cover this kinda thing.

You're one to talk, for someone who apparently can't use a spellchecker.

why do you complain about a dollar symbol coming after the monetary amount, but spell 'why', 'dollar', and 'of' incorrectly?

Y does everybody put l the dolar sign after the amount if money? It should be $200. YDI for being a dumbass

riotshields 4

Awww. That's really cute. :) Sucks that it's ruined, but that's still really sweet.

tafam 0

Your son sounds so sweet. It's nice that he wanted to help you out. ...Still, though. FYL. Hope you got insurance!

You should tell him to play dead, then bury him.

whimsical_fml 0

That's beyond adorable. I apologize if the phone no longer works, but applaud you for raising such an kind-hearted son. But.. perhaps the lessons 'Hands to ourselves' and 'If it's not yours, don't touch it,' need some reviewing ;D

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

@1...NEVER...EVER...Say or type that again mmk? thanks! (: Violence is NEVER EVER NEVER EVER the answer, so shut up now... cause that was just plain stupid :D OP: At least your son was trying to help? In his brain, he thought it was useless probably.. so be happy that he would do something, that shows that he gives a damn about people other than himself right? yepp (: aha sucks though..

Okay I don;t get why there are two #33s but I'm replying to "aback"

The_Big_Mac 7

I think you need to seek a padded room and possibly a bridge to jump off of. one or the other so you don't get hit by the real world. it's people like you who don't want us in law enforcement to use force or anyone else for that matter yet you whine and complain when your robbed, attacked etc... we will respond when you call for help after the fact and you complain oh why couldn't you been here before that happened yet you don't believe in use of force, FYI I was whipped as a child for doing things I wasn't supposed to. I turned out fine, and it makes for a tougher person.

That's too cute! Obviously the people saying to beat your child don't have children.

It's a shame all that "helpfulness" wears off about the time they're old enough to be of some use. Try to get the lil'bastard to do anything 10 years from now without resorting to threats or bribery. Parenthood sucks. :D

pwnage79 0

most ppl on fml are idiots. not you, i mean ppl who comment. anyway, when i was 6, i wasnt even that retarded! im not trying to be insulting but.... come on!