By Ted, E. Vic - 01/05/2016 05:39 - United States

Today, my roommate admitted he spent his half of the rent money on a tattoo. It's all good though, we're just gonna get evicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 197
You deserved it 1 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It baffles me that some people are so selfish and take other people down with them like that. **** that guy

emi_alejandra 23

You should also get a new roommate tbh


My sister in-law did the exact same thing to her roommate a couple years ago. He gave her his half of the rent, she wrote a check then went out with a bunch of her friends and bought them tattoos with all the rent money. She's an example of why you shouldn't room with someone you met on Craig's list. She went through 4 apartments in a year. Your roommate sounds perfect for her, or terrible depending on how you look at it. Whatever, they're both terrible.

At least he didn't use the money to pay for "Massage Therapist".

Why are you already being evicted? Usually you have to not pay your rent for a few months to get evicted... and if this isn't your first time missing your rent then you should have gotten rid of your roommate a while a ago

cheesecake12 12

ehh everywhere is different. Most places just add a late fee and time to catch up before an eviction. but other places have no tolerance when it comes to no payment.

Well at least you got out of having a crappy roommate.... Good luck finding a new one!

cheesecake12 12

Goodluck on finding another roommate OP!

My roommate is worse than yours lives on my money... Only one month left so I'll get change my roommate after this month.

Some people have no idea how to be responsible... Find a new roommate !

Wow....Will his new ink stop the rain? What a selfish prick

Did he get the letters DILLIGAF done on him? What a twat.

That'll serve as a permanent reminder of how stupid and thoughtless he is.