By Utterly_Confused - 07/10/2015 22:07 - United States - Beaver

Today, my roommate confided in me that she hadn't been taking showers while at school because she was afraid of being in the shower when the fire alarm goes off. She goes home once every month, and will only shower there. I have to live with her for the rest of the year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 961
You deserved it 1 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor thing, I have similar anxiety about showering in bathrooms with no natural light, or that have extractor fans. When I lived in a flat with a bathroom like that for a year and a half I had to shower with the bathroom door open (luckily I lived alone :P). Maybe suggest she go to the campus health service and see if they have counsellors who could help her with that?

I understand that she's scared, but that's honestly disgusting.


That's my favorite part for fire alarms. Getting to see girls just getting outta the shower outside only wearing a towel, or nothing!

Where did you go to school? Around here, everyone flat out ignores the fire alarm until someone comes around and says it's not a drill. We had plenty of time to get dressed.

kk21days 14

People like you are probably the reason for her anxiety.

Is she afraid she wouldn't hear it or afraid that she'd be naked when there's a fire drill? I don't quite understand why she's scared. If it's the naked thing then buy her a robe just incase a fire drill happens while she's in the shower.

that used to be my fear, and then it happened. i just went back to my room and put on clothes anyway

Try setting those fire alarms on and have the sprinklers shower her

Why can't she just keep a housecoat next to the shower so if she had to run out she is decent? She should probably have more anxiety about people noticing the flies that might start buzzing around her if she refuses to shower.

kendallskakb 13

And she a girl to eww I feel for you like how can you not wash yo ****** that's nasty af

Tell her that she'll die if she doesn't shower

Gross.. yet you should help her with her anxiety.

Can't you offer her those no rinse shampoo and bath wipes that patients use while they are in hospital