By powsser - 11/03/2009 13:38 - United States

Today, my roommate got mad at me for putting away the tampons that were sitting on her desk. She rebelled by hanging hundreds of tampons dyed red from every surface in our dorm room. I discovered this while giving my mom her first tour of the place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 413
You deserved it 5 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's not only weird, but also a waste of money

troyboyd05 0

Maybe OP was putting the tampons away because her mom was coming to visit? You seem like a feminist, oh and the "girls use tampons... get over it" part, OP is a girl I think she would know girls use tampons.


Wow, maybe OP was having friends over and they don't want to see that stuff sitting around... roommate is a pyscho.

justjayit 0

Your roommate is a psycho. She should know better then to have personal items like tampons laying around. Yes, all girls use tampons (or pads, either way). But all girls have vaginas, too, and it's not appropriate to be showing those off on a regular basis, is it?

who cares if you put them away, you shouldnt leave tampons just laying around anyway, thats so trashy

pawprnts215 0

People calm down. It was just a prank; the roommate wasn't serious. I think it is funny and I'm sure that they are looking back on it and laughing. ( I think i know who these two people are..this isn't a story you hear twice)

_kaitlin 0

Yeah, I'm sure that'll make her feel better until she goes to get a tampon and realizes she wasted them all playing her little trick. She's just losing more money by getting her "revenge". However, they were HER tampons and were on HER desk, so you had no right to touch them. She could have just politely told you so, though, instead of wasting her time doing what she did.

there is definitely more to this story. be nicer to your roommate and then maybe one tiny little thing like this won't set off a ridiculous hair-trigger response.

Solution: Jam each and every one of those things into your roomate. That'll teach her.

#59 you sound like you belong in middle school not college, people have different senses of humor and most mature women aren't into childish pranks, and #65 LMAO!!!