By powsser - 11/03/2009 13:38 - United States

Today, my roommate got mad at me for putting away the tampons that were sitting on her desk. She rebelled by hanging hundreds of tampons dyed red from every surface in our dorm room. I discovered this while giving my mom her first tour of the place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 413
You deserved it 5 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's not only weird, but also a waste of money

troyboyd05 0

Maybe OP was putting the tampons away because her mom was coming to visit? You seem like a feminist, oh and the "girls use tampons... get over it" part, OP is a girl I think she would know girls use tampons.


Wtf what a bitch!!!!! Sounds like you'd better start looking for a new roomie!!!! Good luck

Isn't it just easier to keep them in the bathroom? Wtf is she changing them in the middle of the room? That would be a bigger FML to be honest.

Those are precious items that go so fast why would she waste them? I think she did overreact but touching her stuff probably wasn't the best idea either

I can't believe she actually took the time to do that lol. crazy psycho bitch lol.

Ah, yes, the joys of the ever-insane roommate that you get put with in the college dorms; how this post brings back memories -.- but you really shouldn't be touching your roommate's things. A tampon box is no big deal, and since it was your mom coming, I'm sure she's seen one out in the open before ;) The vote is split on this one OP - just learn to pick your battles so you don't make an enemy out of your roommate if you can help it.

notsofriendly 17

To be fair, I had a crazy freshman roommate who used to move and mess with my stuff all the time. Once her friend restrung my guitar. I get the feeling that there is probably more to this than OP shared.

You never should have touched her stuff.

Jokes on her. Now she has to buy more tampons