By Anonymous - 03/03/2014 16:30

Today, my roommate pranked me by putting blue food coloring in the shower head. I have class in 20 minutes and look like a Smurf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 841
You deserved it 4 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. But it's a great prank. Just prank them back.

You'll have to show'er! Prank her back!


Put Saran Wrap in the toilet seat. Boy or girl, they will be splashed with pee. If you really wanna get them back, put blue dye in the shower head so if they choose the shower off the pee, they'll be blue.

They live together, having pee splashed all over your bathroom is a little disgusting. There are better prank solutions than that!

Just make the best of it, shoulda thought fast and did some home remedies.

Hey, some people have to pay for blue hair! Just wear a hat until you can properly get rid of the color.

I think more than just OP's hair turned blue

red225 14

Put on a white sock-hat and blue tights..walk in singing and the panties will drop

usnwife 18

am i the only one who turns the water on before getting in? i always adjust the temp first...i thought that was normal!? i never understood these shower pranks since id always notice before getting in, i guess most people dont?

MyUsernameKatie 31

I know. It confused me too. Unless he has one of those showers where he has to twist the knobs while directly under the shower head. Still, it seems unlikely he wouldn't move away from the cold water once it was on

I'm thinking maybe he noticed when it was too late. I know I put my arm under the water to check the temperature and get splashed.

jazzy_123 20

When I turn on my shower the faucet goes off and then I turn on the shower head. Maybe OP did that and tested the water through the faucet and when it was good, turned on the shower head?

homesuckfucker 28

well, the easiest way to fix this is to get off of the internet, and do your best to wash away your smurfleyness with some other faucet. sorry, op. this is one of those fmls that just can't be helped with a simple talk. bow for revenging.

InnocentMalice 12

I think you looked adorable. But take revenge! Use purple! I love purple

JMichael 25

Just shave your head and tell them you're planning on joining the Blue Man Group.