By Titi12 - 01/03/2011 01:49 - France

Today, my roommate showed me what my girlfriend’s favorite position was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 666
You deserved it 59

Top comments

Show him your favorite position. Get on top of him and start punching him.

Need so many more details! Was this like a, "my roommate had sex with my girlfriend FML"? Or was this a, "my girlfriend and I have had [obviously unsuccessfully] sneaky sex in front of my roommate so many times that he now knows what her favorite sexual position is FML"? I need to know these things before I cast my vote on whether this is a FYL or a FTLOYR.


Show him your favorite position. Get on top of him and start punching him.

Who says roommate is male, most likely we are talking about a lesbian relationship here.

#11 is actually right. On the app it doesn't show a gender sign, for me anyway. However, on the website it says OP is a woman.

Roommate might still be male regardless of OP's gender though.

xcllla_ 27

#12, Can't say for the Android app, but the iPhone one clearly shows you the gender. Just saying.

OP can still punch her roommate if they're both girls. Them's the rules.

mariri9206 32

Position yourself out of that situation.

Need so many more details! Was this like a, "my roommate had sex with my girlfriend FML"? Or was this a, "my girlfriend and I have had [obviously unsuccessfully] sneaky sex in front of my roommate so many times that he now knows what her favorite sexual position is FML"? I need to know these things before I cast my vote on whether this is a FYL or a FTLOYR.

For all we know it could just be that the roommate had sex with OP's girlfriend before she was his girlfriend. In which case the only reason it's an FML is that OP will constantly be wondering if he is as good as his roommate.

OP is female, GF is female, roommate is unsure but most likely female. But anyway I do agree we want more details, the male in me desires some photos for clarification ?

*before she was her girlfriend. Op is a woman.

So you get downvoted for stating out details that people miss without being wrong about it... Normally people should downvote bad or insulting comments not those to help find perspective that others seemed to have missed.

Preeeeetty sure you're getting downvoted for your second sentence asking for pics...

except that I made a similar comment without the picture part which has identical amount of downvoting, proving it is NOT about the second part.

Have you guys shown her the Eiffel Tower (and I don't mean the landmark in Paris)? That could be her new favorite position.

it's just a spit roast with extra work...

This is the first FML post that actually made me laugh out loud! xD

Well, now you know. Aleays see the positive in life.

If you're gonna give someone positive advice, learn to spell first. That's my advice for you.

Yes. At least proofread, or even (quickly) edit.

very interesting the words used were that he "showed you" instead of just telling. . .

Plot twist: roommate showed OP the gf's favourite position while OP was busy cheating on her gf with the roommate...

Goblin182 26

It could be that the GF has told OP what her favorite position is, OP doesn't know what that is so the RM described it to OP. Or the RM knew the GF before OP and is giving OP some advice.

It's either he's watching you guys or your girlfriend is cheating on you. Not sure which one is worse