By simonjudy - 14/05/2011 20:09 - United Kingdom

Today, my sister and I both got "good luck" cards from our aunt wishing us well on our exams. My sister's said "We know you will do well". Mine said "We will love you no matter what happens". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 153
You deserved it 5 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dear Aunt, Happy Birthday, Your getting old but we still love you. From OP. xox

KatrinaKitten 16

I'm sure they mean it in the best intent.


xandra12791 8

well, it could've been worse, right. ? :D

hey at least yours will love you my parents call me an disgrace

At least you got a card and what's wrong with saying "we'll love you no matter what happens?"

Look at it this way: You know they won't be upset with you if you don't do well like they might be with your sister.

fatcow282 8

I am srry but thats kinda a funny it dosent look really sirious then againd know ops situation still my family jokes like that to me to