By still together - 28/08/2013 17:47 - United States - Keansburg

Today, my sister announced that she and her boyfriend are getting married. Her boyfriend is my husband. We're not even legally divorced yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 121
You deserved it 4 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Holy Shexclamationmarkt!!! What a bexclamationmarktch!!!

SavannahSunshine 26

You have terrible people in your life... I'm sorry this is happening to you, OP. But they each sound like assholes if they're doing this, maybe they deserve each other

You mean your disowned sister? If my family did that to me, I'd have no problems cutting them out of my life. I'll bet they don't really love each other and he's doing it out of spite and she's a dumb bitch for being with him.

RedPillSucks 31

If you live in North Carolina you could probably sue for Alienation of Affection and get all his stuff, not just half.

It says where she lives; NJ. Unless you're using the mobile version, in which case I'm not sure if it does list the location. Sorry!

Let him do it and get charged with polygamy.

truepanda 2
AngelLovesDerby 10

If that was my sister I would totally kick her Ass!! Then kick his ass! Haha

I'm guessing Thanksgiving is going to be fun this year.